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Outreach activities are one of the most important aspects of the mission of the Society of Women Engineers. These programs inspire the upcoming generations of women engineers. Our goal is to engage girls and young women in a wide variety of ways to cater to the wide variety of personalities of younger generations. SWE Wisconsin participates in a variety of Outreach activities throughout each year ranging from an hour long presentation to full days of workshops. It is our hopes to inspire young girls and provide quality role models for them.

Outreach Volunteer Notice

​SWE has implemented a Youth Protection Policy. This year to be a volunteer at a SWE-WI sponsored event you must have completed the Youth Protection course and provide a SWE Certificate to the organizer. Please consider taking the youth protection course early and sending SWE-WI ( a digital copy of your certificate. This course will need to be taken every three years. To access the course, or for more information please visit 

Upcoming Outreach Opportunities

Save the date for these Outreach Opportunities:

  • December 14, 2024 – STEAM Fair in Glendale (9am – 1pm)
  • January 18, 2025 – Future City Judges (8am-12pm) – Check next e-blast for sign-up
  • May 2, 2025 – Contrapt Judging in Milwaukee (9am -12pm)
  • May 9, 2025 – Contrapt Judging in Waukesha (9am -12pm)

Contact if you are interested in volunteering for either of these events!

As information on volunteer opportunities becomes available it will be posted to the website, shared in the eblast, and posted on Facebook. In the meantime, do you know of a Girl Scout Troop wanting to do a virtual meeting to earn a SWE STEM badge? Contact me at for more information. Heidi Balestrieri

If you have been involved in an outreach event since July 2019 and are a SWE member, send information about the event to Heidi Balestrieri so we can report the information in the SWE outreach tool. SWE-WI won a $100 gift card in a SWE drawing for an event held and reported. Information needed for the report: event name, date, all SWE sections that were involved, description of event, breakdown of girls and boys who participated, age of students, number of adult guests, number of SWE member volunteers, number of other volunteers, any partner organizations involved, or any other information to share.

Do you need volunteers for you outreach event?

SWE-WI is constantly seeking new opportunities to get our volunteers involved. If you have an event you think you would be a great fit for SWE-WI, please contact

SWE Certificate of Merit

Society of Women Engineers-Wisconsin (SWE-WI) honors Senior female High School students who have shown excellence in math and science courses.  Teachers/Counselors/Administrators at Wisconsin and Upper Peninsula of Michigan High Schools can nominate up to three female students per school who meet the criteria.  Schools are responsible for choosing students to nominate.  Certificates will be sent to the nominators for distribution at awards ceremonies.   

Criteria for the award:  

  1. 3 Credits of Math (with one course being above Algebra II)
  2. 3 Credits of Science 
  3. Female Student

Note:  Students do not need to be going into engineering to be eligible.

To submit information, please fill out this SWE Certificate of Merit Form.


Interested in getting girls interested in STEM? SWENext is a way to become part of the Society of Women Engineers as a student through the age of 18. Become part of SWE and #BeThatEngineer! Joining is free. Families and educators play a key role in the success of SWENexters. The SWENext program offers resources and information for adult advocates, as well. ​Do you know a girl interested in engineering? SWENext is a way to become part of the Society of Women Engineers as a student through the age of 18. Become part of SWE and #BeThatEngineer! Joining is free.  The SWENext program offers resources and information for adult advocates, as well.  Signup at use event code Wisconsin at signup.

Teacher Resources

SWE Wisconsin offers K-12 teachers with opportunity to explore science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). There are a variety of online resources and activities that SWE will come into the classrooms to share the STEM fields. These activities help explain the various engineering disciplines and include a hands on activity for the kids. There are a number of opportunities for each grade level.

Do you need volunteers or suggestions for classroom activities?

SWE-WI is constantly seeking new opportunities to get our volunteers involved. If you have an event you think you would be a great fit for SWE-WI, please fill out to  

Other Resources: